I did fall off the writing wagon and here we are with the end of the year in sight. I know I do need to climb back on and grab the reins again.
It has been a rather down more than up year at times. I won’t go into a lot of detail, but I had medical chaos in my life from March through November. It took a big toll on me. I did have four elective surgeries which meant recovery times in the middle of the chaos. I am fine now, all healed and fit as a fiddle.
I scolded myself the other day for not writing for so long but then people do not want to travel through chaos. I am back, and I am writing and I will continue to write.
I was looking at what I want to work on in 2024 and my list is a tad jammed up with things. That means I will have to put certain things off till mid-year and it is okay because I always make a list and then I assign numbers to each project in importance of working on them.
Next, I whittle my list down to five projects and put the remaining ones on another piece of paper and this list remains covered. I know it is there, but I won’t look at it until or unless I have room to add something new to my main list.
Enter #my3words for 2024 which are as follows:
As I write this, I know I have organized the rise and release part, and rejoicing comes when I finish something, when I launch something new, and when am at peace with it all.
Five projects are waiting for me and the time I assign to these projects doesn’t include going back to Furman University with the OLLI Program and taking three classes, having fun with friends, going on dates, taking care of my house and myself, and just about all other normal daily activity.
Next up more organizing and yes setting boundaries because otherwise,
I will be setting myself up to fail.
I am excited to write again as well as prep myself for the work that lies ahead. Prep work takes deep thinking because the last place I want to hitch my wagon is to end up in the destination named “Overwhelm”.