Merry Go Round
When you’re feeling lost, you get stuck in a merry-go-round and I’m going to help you get off that merry-go-round today.…
Author |Certified Life Coach |Podcaster
When you’re feeling lost, you get stuck in a merry-go-round and I’m going to help you get off that merry-go-round today.…
My trauma tribe is a group of people who stand next to me behind me around me and have read my manuscript and support me all the way in publishing my story I explained that today.…
Team you that’s all we have. We have to be our own team sometimes I explain that today.…
Then guess what they don’t rise again.…
Tuscany a perfect place to stand alone and yet feel a special person with you.…
It was my birthday and I talk about that today.…
Today I’m talking about standing with love because right now. I think it’s very important that we link ourselves together love ourselves and make sure that we begin to love others because people really need it right now.…
Making habits stick you know we all have done it. We decide we’re gonna do something one day we skip it the next day we skip it and then it’s gone.…
There is always help. I talk about trauma today and the number one diagnosis at least to trauma is PTSD.…
Check those credit card bills you might be surprised to find that you’ve not paid too much attention. I caught the fact that I had put the same subscription on two different credit cards so I’ve been losing $13 a …