Been Ghosted? Be Grateful.
Have you been ghosted be grateful I explained it all today in this episode on love talk.…
Author |Certified Life Coach |Podcaster
Have you been ghosted be grateful I explained it all today in this episode on love talk.…
Last weekend, I had a moment of insanity, as I call it. I went down the rabbit hole, terrified of needing help at a particular time or event and who would help.
A friend shared her car breakdown story with …
It is eviction day and today I give you seven tips on how to evict the judgmental people from your life.…
Getting unstuck, and why are you stuck? That’s what I talk about today.…
Resilience chain genetically researchers are looking and studying to see if there is such a thing I have tremendous resilience and I know it comes from some of the women in my family but it’s not just luck you have …
That drawer in the kitchen, you know the one old scratch off tickets are in there that should’ve been thrown out unless you won and you wanna get the money rubber bands every pen and pencil that you come across. …
Ah yes, the ever-helpful “shouldn’t you be over this by now?” brigade. As if grief is some kind of flu you just shake off after a few weeks of rest and hydration.
Here’s the thing—grief doesn’t come with a deadline. …
Smithereens, I looked it up it is an Irish word that sounds Irish smithereens and that’s what I talked about today.…
Grief is a rebellion and I talked about that today. I explained exactly why it is one. …
Love oh my that’s what I talk about today. I have no other words just listen, please.…